Daily Devotional for Thursday 29th February
Clothed in Christ
The verses today are so joyous and comforting! Paul is reminding the Galatians that Jesus has come and freed them from the laws they were imprisoned. Until Christ had taken their sin, the laws were the driving force to be closer to God. Now Jesus had come and set them free.
Paul’s words in verses 27-29 are so heartwarming. Being clothed in Christ, regardless of background, status, or gender – everyone is equal when you have faith in Jesus. It is especially important to point out when Paul writes that it doesn’t matter if you are a gentile, slave, or a woman – you are all one in Christ. At this time, when the hierarchy was so present and people were seen as lower than others, this statement would’ve been very radical. To be in a time when everyone was equal to each other would’ve raised a lot of eyebrows or caused arguments. This is another way in which God showed His love for everyone, not a single class of person. For the Galatians to be reminded of this would be so comforting, reminding them, as Gentiles, that they are accepted by God through their faith in Jesus.
Paul writes “if you belong to Christ, you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise”. Being an heir to something would usually mean you were to receive riches after a death. Jesus’ death meant that all followers of Christ were given the riches of God’s promise in the Abrahamic covenant.
How beautiful it is knowing that your past is just that, and by accepting Jesus into your life means you are saved and are rich in love from God. That we are all His children.
Time to reflect…
Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine being “clothed in Jesus”. How does that make you feel? Are there any emotions or words that spring to mind?
Pause to pray…
Heavenly Father,
We hold out our hands and pray thanks for the love You have for us. Whatever our gender, age, job, or otherwise, we are accepted because we have faith in You and in You alone. Thank you for filling us with the riches of Your kingdom.
Continue to clothe us in Christ, to fill us with your Holy Spirit, and to deepen our faith within You.
In Jesus’ holy name, we pray