Daily Devotional for Thursday 26th September

Living Like Jesus: From Darkness to Light

Ephesians 5:1-7

Have you ever noticed that way that children follow the example of their parents? It’s cute to watch them imitating their behaviour, mimicking the way they do the cooking or drive the car. And as we get older we still find ourselves saying the same things our parents said to us, that we swore we would never say to our children!


Paul opens this passage with a beautiful and profound call: ‘Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children.’ This is both a reminder of our identity and an invitation to live in a way that reflects the love we have received. As children imitate their parents, we are called to imitate God, particularly in the way of love. This is not a vague, sentimental love, but the self-giving, sacrificial love that Christ demonstrated when He ‘gave Himself up for us.’ Our lives are to be marked by this kind of love—a love that seeks the well-being of others, even at a cost to ourselves.


Paul contrasts this call to walk in love with behaviours that are contrary to God's character: ‘sexual immorality, impurity, and greed.’ These behaviours are described as ‘improper for God’s holy people.’ To walk in the way of love means to avoid actions that harm others and ourselves. Sexual immorality and impurity distort God’s design for relationships and can lead to deep wounds. Greed, on the other hand, is a form of idolatry, placing material gain and self-interest above God and others.


The list of behaviours Paul urges us to avoid extends to our speech: ‘Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking.’ Our words matter because they reflect the state of our hearts. As followers of Christ, our speech should not tear down or be filled with vulgarity but should be characterised by thanksgiving. Thanksgiving shifts our focus from what we lack to what God has graciously provided, fostering contentment and joy.


Paul’s warning is stern: ‘No immoral, impure or greedy person...has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.’ He cautions us not to be deceived by empty words that justify sinful behaviour. The consequence of living in persistent disobedience is severe. However, this is not to instil fear but to urge us to live in the light of the love and holiness we have received in Christ. We are called to a higher standard, not in our strength, but through the transformative power of the Holy Spirit within us.


The final instruction is a call to discernment: ‘Do not be partners with them.’  While we are called to love all people, we must also guard our hearts and avoid being influenced by those who live in ways contrary to God's will. Walking in love means aligning ourselves with God’s truth and living out our identity as His dearly loved children.

Time to reflect…

  • How can you ‘walk in the way of love’ more intentionally in your daily life?

  • Are there areas of impurity, greed, or harmful speech that you need to surrender to God?

  • How can you cultivate a heart of thanksgiving in all circumstances?


Pause to pray…

Heavenly Father, thank You for the great love You have shown us through Jesus. Help us to walk in the way of love, imitating You in all that we do. Reveal to us areas in our lives where we have allowed impurity, greed, or harmful speech to take root. Give us the strength and desire to live as Your holy people, reflecting Your love and holiness in every aspect of our lives. Fill our hearts with thanksgiving, that we may speak words that build up and bring glory to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.







Daily Devotional for Friday 27th September


Daily Devotional for Wednesday 25th September