Daily Devotional for Friday 18th October
Living in harmony
Moving on from yesterday’s passage on marriage, Peter now provides general advice for Christian communities, wherever they are. He focuses on five qualities, which are essential for fellowship between believers. One commentator described them as like the fingers on a hand, connected together and radiating from the palm of God’s grace. The qualities that we are meant to live out are to be like minded; sympathetic; loving; compassionate and humble.
The last four of these are qualities, which are applicable to every situation, whereas the first is particularly for relationships within the church. In other translations this quality is sometimes translated as ‘live in harmony’ or ‘be agreeable’ which perhaps helps to get a rounded view of what Peter meant. He certainly wasn’t suggesting that we should all be clones!
Expanding on these qualities, Peter seems to be advocating a growing maturity in our relationships within our church. For this we need to be good listeners; a readiness to hear what other people have to say. That’s much easier to say than do! Also we should avoid gossip and keep our temper under control so that we don’t end up trading insult for insult. He backs all his teaching up with a helpful quote from Psalm 34.
Finally as we think about this, it reminds us of Proverbs 15 where we read that a gentle answer turns away wrath. The thing is that people who are able to absorb outburst from others are vital, but rare, even in Christian communities!
Time to reflect…
Take time to read this short passage again and then reflect on the many aspects of living in harmony that Peter encourages us to adopt. Which of these should we focus on to become more Christ like?
Pause to pray…
We know that a church living in harmony with one another provides a powerful witness to the community we serve. Help us to actively avoid division in our church and play our part fully in promoting harmony so that we may be an effective witness to those around us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen