Daily Devotional for Tuesday 17th September

Unified/made one

Ephesians 3:1-13

Not only are we united in one body, in one big God family, and not alone, but Paul says we are equal in our God family. He reminds the Ephesian believers that Paul, himself, was given the ministry of preaching the gospel of Jesus to Gentiles, so that they, too, could come to saving faith and be part of God’s family. This was something the Holy Spirit had to confirm for the Jewish Christians of Paul’s time, as it was a revealed truth from prophecy that the Holy Spirit had to help them understand (v.5).

We, today, in our big God family, don’t see it as quite such a surprise, this side of God’s revelation, but to the early church it was an adjustment. How thankful we can be that God wanted all of us, Jews and Gentiles (everyone of a different ethnicity), to be with Him if we’d believe in Jesus!

We are fellow believers, fellow followers of Christ, we are truly a God family together, united into one. No more disunity, no more disharmony, no discrimination, when we are all one in Christ and treat each other that way. When we live like this (ahem! We should be living like this), the world sees the wisdom of God on earth and even in the spiritual plane (v.10). God intended us to be a testimony to who He is and who we are in Him!


Time to reflect…

·        Are we living in unity, with no disharmony or discrimination allowed to exist in our fellowship?

·        What does our testimony to the world look like?

·        Where and how do we need to get back on track, living in unity and love as God instructs us to?


Pause to pray…

Dear Father God, please forgive us when we fall out with one another and don’t make up quickly. Forgive us when we are more concerned with how we see things than in making up with one another. Father, please help us to love You and each other so much that we are quick to say sorry and quick to bless, and please help us be one in You, so the world can see that You truly are the only true and living God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.






Daily Devotional for Wednesday 18th September


Daily Devotional for Monday 16th September