Daily Devotional for Tuesday 23rd July
The Death of Jesus
It’s impossible for us to fully understand it, but just reflect for a moment on Jesus’ phrase that shows us such agony and suffering: “Why have you forsaken me?”
He who would one day come to judge, was now separated from the Judge and identified with the judged.
He who was perfectly loving and perfectly loved, now suffered separation from His Father.
He who was perfectly holy, and even at that moment was being obedient to God the Father, suffered from being under the curse that came from God’s response to sin entering the world in Genesis 3
Here we are, three hours after Jesus was first placed on the cross. It is here we see the power of God at work. As Jesus breathes His last, we read the curtain in the temple is torn in two, from top to bottom (v38). This curtain was the divide between the areas of the temple that the people were allowed into and the place in the temple where God dwelt ‘The Holy of Holies’. Only certain people could go there, and even then, there were strict rules about how they were to approach to communicate with God.
The beauty of this symbolism is that now the curtain is torn, useless, and now God is accessible to everyone – Even the Gentiles whose place used to be 7 areas of the temple away from the “Holy of holies!” Now anyone can come to Him to be saved and talk to Him. You no longer have to be from a certain tribe or hold a certain position. Anyone can come to God, any time, any place, because of Jesus the GREAT and FINAL high priest, who has opened the way of salvation to even His executioners! The response of the Roman Centurion in verse 39 is the perfect illustration of what Jesus achieved.
Pause to pray…
We have a hope that is steadfast and certain
Gone through the curtain and touching the throne
We have a Priest who is there interceding
Pouring His grace on our lives day by day
(Jesus is King by Wendy Churchill)
Praise God for this!
Loving Heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you for sending Jesus to die in our place in order to take our punishment on Himself, bring us life, forgiveness, rescue, and an eternal relationship with you. Please encourage us this day with your Gospel news and please renew our faith in you so that we may serve you and love you, building up your Church and telling others about you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.