Daily Devotional for Wednesday 24th July
The Burial of Jesus
A real resurrection presupposes a real death, so Mark gives us evidence that Jesus did die.
How long it took Jesus to die was a surprise to Pilate as it often took people who had been crucified days to die. Pilate even had someone check He was actually dead! So, Pilate releases the body into the care of a man called Joseph. This is the first time we hear of him, but we read he is a ‘prominent member of the council’. He feared the Jews and had secretly followed Jesus up to this point, but now steps out of the shadows to claim Jesus’ body and give Him a burial.
Time to reflect…
Re-read the passage and reflect on the power and implications of the testimony of each of the people in Mark’s account:
The Centurion – Had stood in front of Jesus as He died, was an expert in certifying deaths and answerable to Pilate for any mistakes.
Joseph of Arimathea – A respected member of the highest Jewish legal authority in Israel, sealed the corpse in a rock tomb from which there could be no human escape.
The women – mentioned by name, friends of Jesus and would have longed to have found Him alive, in verses 40 and 47, the word ‘watched’ implies careful scrutiny of the events.
Pause to pray…
Loving Heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you for sending Jesus to die in our place in order to take our punishment on Himself, bring us life, forgiveness, rescue, and an eternal relationship with you. Please encourage us this day with your Gospel news and please renew our faith in you so that we may serve you and love you, building up your Church and telling others about you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.