Daily Devotional for Thursday 25th July

Jesus Has Risen

Mark 16:1-8

Jesus was dead and is now alive! Shocking news!!

How many things in our gospel readings would have been unexpected or shocking? How many things do we just take for granted, because they’ve become familiar to us?

The first day of the week. The Sabbath is over. The women make their way back from the tomb where they have seen Jesus’ body buried. They take with them all the spices they need to anoint Jesus’ body.

But then (another!) unexpected thing happens…

The tomb is open.

They go inside to check what’s happened and the tomb is empty.

Where is the body?

It’s not there.

They see a man dressed in white who tells them not to be alarmed.

Jesus has risen!

This man tells them to go and tell the disciples and they will see Jesus.

Time to reflect…

What must the women have made of this? We read they were afraid. Thankfully we have 3 other gospels to tell us more about what happened. If you have time why not take a look at these too.


Pause to pray…

Loving Heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you for sending Jesus to die in our place and rise again in order to take our punishment on Himself, bring us life, forgiveness, rescue, and an eternal relationship with you. Please encourage us this day with your Gospel news and please renew our faith in you so that we may serve you and love you, building up your Church and telling others about you.

We pray that the power of Jesus’ resurrection and the way it shows Jesus always keeps His promises as Lord of all, would be a huge encouragement to us today.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.







Daily Devotional for Friday 26th July


Daily Devotional for Wednesday 24th July